Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Terry A. Rowan
November 28, 1955 - July 28, 2014

Terry A. Rowan.

It isn't a name any of you outside of my professional circle is likely to recognize, but if you are reading these words now, then he has done it again. He has impacted your life too.

Terry was, for nearly five years my mentor in the Occupational and Environmental Safety field. He was my teacher, my guru, my go-to-guy,and my dear friend. He was known for being larger than life, with over-the-top, grandiose ideas and the tenacity to make them happen. I am afraid that a little of these charming personality traits of his have rubbed off on me. That's why we are here, after all.

Terry Rowan never hesitated to give you his time, his knowledge or wisdom. So it is in the spirit of this generous man that this blog is born. If you had a question, Terry had the answer. If he didn't know, he would find out, and before all was said and done, he would have purchased, found, or developed an official training program to make you and your facility better prepared the next time that question was answered.

In the months to come, I will be posting what I hope to be informative and simple lessons, insight and information about not just Occupational and Environmental safety, but food safety, home safety and personal safety.  My goal is to pass on Terry's mission to you all--just like he passed it on to me. This project, just like me, is a work in progress. I will do my best to provide you with accurate, up-to-date and easy to understand information that I hope will be beneficial to you  and your business. If you have better, more accurate or current material, please let me know! Leave me a comment or even a correction, because there are no secrets in safety!

When next we meet I will talk about safety from a standpoint many of you may not have considered. Something that I think you will find affects you all regardless of your profession. I hope you all find this to be worth your while. I will keep the segments brief with larger topics broken down into smaller segments each post. As Terry liked to say, "It's better to lose a minute of life than to lose your life in a minute."

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